Videos and References

A drone video of the Lighthouse

A music video with drone footage - heavy emphasis on the Hillboro Lighthouse

Tour of the Lighthouse and Grounds

Another tour of the Lighthouse with images from the top

Time lapse of the lighthouse at sunrise

Join Us!

To take a Hillsboro Inlet Lighthouse tour, one must join the HLPS.

Your membership will support the Hillsboro Lighthouse Preservation Society.

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Do you like, use, and appreciate our lighthouse & inlet webcam? Support our historic lighthouse and webcam so this service can continue into the future. Your donation will be appreciated. We are a non-profit all volunteer organization.

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Contact Us

We would love to hear from you!
Drop us an email at

[email protected]

Hillsboro Lighthouse
Preservation Society
P.O. Box 326
Pompano Beach, FL 33061-0326